Atlantic Procurement Agreement Nova Scotia

The Atlantic Procurement Agreement: Boosting Nova Scotia`s Economy

The Atlantic Procurement Agreement is a government initiative designed to stimulate the economy of Atlantic Canada by fostering intra-regional trade and commerce. Nova Scotia, one of the four provinces covered under the agreement, has been actively participating in the program to promote local businesses and create more job opportunities.

What is the Atlantic Procurement Agreement?

The Atlantic Procurement Agreement (APA) is a partnership between the governments of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. The agreement is intended to facilitate local economic growth by promoting the use of local suppliers and service providers across the region. The APA ensures that tendering processes among provincial governments are transparent, fair, and equitable.

Through the APA, public sector organizations in each province are required to give preference to local suppliers for goods and services. This promotes local businesses, which in turn leads to increased job creation and economic growth. The agreement is designed to foster a collaborative environment that allows businesses to work together and pursue opportunities in other Atlantic provinces.

Why is the APA important for Nova Scotia?

Nova Scotia has a vibrant business community, which is constantly looking for opportunities to expand its reach and grow its customer base. The APA offers businesses in Nova Scotia a platform to explore new business opportunities with other provinces in the Atlantic region. This opens up new markets and helps businesses to diversify, increasing their resilience to external market shocks. The APA also helps businesses to cut costs by providing better access to government procurement contracts.

The APA is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses in Nova Scotia, as it provides them with access to larger markets and helps them to compete against larger companies. The agreement also promotes innovation and entrepreneurship by giving local businesses access to the resources and expertise they need to develop new products and services.

How can Nova Scotia businesses take advantage of the APA?

To take advantage of the APA, Nova Scotia businesses need to register with their respective provincial procurement websites. This will give them access to tender opportunities from other provinces in the region. Businesses should also be prepared to demonstrate their capabilities and provide evidence of their ability to deliver high-quality services and products.


The APA is an important initiative designed to promote regional economic growth in the Atlantic provinces. Nova Scotia businesses can benefit from the initiative by accessing new markets and diversifying their customer base. The agreement also promotes innovation and entrepreneurship by giving local businesses access to the resources and expertise they need to develop new products and services. It`s time for Nova Scotia businesses to take advantage of this program and grow their businesses through intra-regional trade and commerce.