What Does It Mean to Close Out a Futures Contract

When it comes to futures trading, there are many terms and concepts that can seem confusing to beginners. One of these is „closing out a futures contract.” In this article, we`ll explain what this term means and why it`s important for traders to understand.

What is a futures contract?

Before we dive into the specifics of closing out a futures contract, let`s first define what a futures contract is. A futures contract is a legally binding agreement to buy or sell a commodity or financial instrument at a predetermined price and date in the future. These contracts are traded on futures exchanges, and they allow traders to speculate on the price movements of a wide range of assets, from agricultural products like wheat and corn to financial instruments like stock indices and foreign currencies.

Why close out a futures contract?

When a trader buys a futures contract, they are essentially agreeing to buy a certain quantity of the underlying asset at a specific price on a future date. If the price of the asset goes up between the time the contract is purchased and the delivery date, the trader can sell the contract at a profit. However, if the price of the asset goes down, the trader will lose money.

Closing out a futures contract allows traders to exit their position before the delivery date, which can be useful for a number of reasons. For example, if a trader believes that the price of the asset is about to go down, they may want to sell their contract to lock in their profits before the price drops. On the other hand, if a trader is concerned that the price of the asset is about to go up, they may want to exit their position to limit their losses.

How to close out a futures contract

There are a few different ways to close out a futures contract, depending on the trader`s objectives and the specific rules of the futures exchange. One common method is to enter into an offsetting transaction, which involves buying or selling an equal and opposite futures contract to cancel out the original position. For example, if a trader bought a futures contract for 100 barrels of oil, they could close out their position by selling a futures contract for 100 barrels of oil.

Another method of closing out a futures contract is to let it expire. Most futures contracts have a set expiration date, which is the last day on which the contract can be traded. If a trader does not close out their position before the expiration date, they will be obligated to take delivery of the underlying asset (if they have a long position) or provide delivery of the asset (if they have a short position).


Closing out a futures contract is an important concept for traders to understand if they want to be successful in futures trading. By exiting their position before the delivery date, traders can lock in profits or limit losses based on their market outlook. Whether through an offsetting transaction or by letting the contract expire, understanding how to close out a futures contract is a key part of any trader`s tool kit.