How Does the Movie Gentleman`s Agreement End

As a professional, let`s dive into the ending of „Gentleman`s Agreement.”

For those who haven`t seen the movie, „Gentleman`s Agreement” is a 1947 drama film that follows a journalist named Phil Green who poses as a Jew to experience discrimination firsthand. The film tackles themes of anti-Semitism and bigotry in post-World War II America.

The movie`s ending is one that can be interpreted in different ways. Some view it as hopeful, while others may see it as bittersweet.

In the final scene, Phil Green`s son Tommy asks him if he`s Jewish. Phil confirms that he`s not, but that he wrote a book about anti-Semitism. Tommy responds by saying that he`s glad because he doesn`t want to be different. Phil then tells his son that they`re all different in some way and that it`s something to be proud of.

The scene ends with Phil and his girlfriend Kathy walking away hand in hand, implying that they will continue their relationship.

So, what does the ending mean?

It can be seen as hopeful because Phil`s son has learned to accept people for who they are, regardless of their religion or background. Phil`s message of being proud of one`s differences can be viewed as a call to celebrate diversity and combat prejudices.

On the other hand, some viewers may see the ending as bittersweet because the issues of anti-Semitism and bigotry are not fully resolved. While Phil`s son has learned an important lesson, the larger societal issues remain.

Overall, the ending of „Gentleman`s Agreement” can be interpreted in different ways, but it highlights the importance of accepting and celebrating diversity in all its forms.